think that的意思|示意

美 / / 英 / /

think that相关短语

1、 I think that 我认为,我以为这么认为,令我想不到的是

2、 You'd think that I 你以为

3、 It's hard to think that 这很难相信,思考是辛苦的

4、 Think that they gotta preach 多想想你受到的劝戒

5、 i think that we 我想我们应该

6、 Now you think that 你现在认为我

7、 Now you think that I 现在你认为我,你现在认为我

8、 I do think that 我也这样觉得,我也这么觉得

9、 To think that only yesterday 想起就在昨日,回想起过去彷佛像是昨天

think that相关例句

I don't think that branch will hold your weight.



I don't think that would help one iota.

