time adjusting的意思|示意
time adjusting的网络常见释义
时间调整 基于BS模式实验室排课系统的设计与实现(ASP.NET+SQL)-无忧助学网 关键词 实验室,课程,时间调整,排课 [gap=953]Keywords laboratory,course,time adjusting,course scheduling
time adjusting相关短语
1、 time adjusting device 时限装置 ; 定时装置 ; 调时装置 ; 时限调正装置
2、 time-adjusting 时间校准
3、 real-time adjusting 实时调整
time adjusting相关例句
For example, consumers could use appliances in a more efficient way by adjusting the time of cooking to the type of food.
The results indicate that adjusting time of the system satisfies the producing requirements and the system is stabile.
The hardening case depth and hardness curve can be changed by adjusting heating time, heating power and cooling speed during induction hardening.
Emily had a hard time adjusting to her new job, but she got through this.
Some side effects may go away over time, others may be avoided by adjusting the dosage or switching to a different medication.
一些副作用会随时间而消失, 而还有一些则要通过调整药物的剂量或者换药来解决。
People who grow up speaking a natural language everyone often have a hard time adjusting to formal languages.