time capture的意思|示意
time capture的网络常见释义
时间捕获 ...列;时间捕获 [gap=1242]rds:two-dimensional spread spectrum;synchronization technology;ID time sequence;time capture ...
捕获时间 捕获时间 Capture Time ; Acquisition Time ; time capture ; capture period 中断捕获 interrupt trap .
time capture相关短语
1、 Real-time capture 实时捕获
2、 Capture Time 捕获时间 ; 捕捉时间 ; 战利品
3、 two-time capture 两次捕捉
time capture相关例句
What if there is a long time gap between the authorization and the capture?
Pictures capture a moment in time that when looked at later can envoke all sorts of feelings.
To support closures fully, a language needs to provide support for manipulating, invoking, and creating functions at run time and for functions to capture the environment in which they were created.
Jucprofiler is designed and implemented to capture the time usage of these two cases.
Nor can odours be recorded: there is no effective way to either capture or store them over time.
Data capture runs on OSGi to support the distributed run time environment.