to bounce back的意思|示意

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to bounce back的网络常见释义

反冲 ... 对冲 hedging (finance) 反冲 backlash; to bounce back; recoil (of a gun) 赴阴曹 to enter hell ...

to bounce back相关短语

1、 resilient to bounce back 弹性

2、 bounce back to good health 很快痊愈

to bounce back相关例句

But its chief executive, Michael Geoghegan, was bullish about the region's ability to bounce back.

而汇丰银行的首席执行官迈克尔·盖根michael Geoghegan看好该地区的反弹复苏能力。

Mining is one of the few areas of South Africa's depressed economy that has already begun to bounce back.


But he failed to bounce back after the difficult chemo, remaining pale and listless.


They are fragile but they haven't survived thousands of years without an ability to bounce back - you've just got to provide the right habitat.


I think we're fit enough to bounce back.


As a result, I am not sure that exports are going to bounce back quickly.
