to defend oneself的意思|示意

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to defend oneself的网络常见释义

申辩 社会团体 social group; community organization 申辩 to rebut a charge; to defend oneself 身体或精神上的伤残 physical or mental impairment ..

to defend oneself相关短语

1、 right to defend oneself 申辩权

2、 capacity to defend oneself 自卫能力

3、 try to defend oneself 申辩 ; 辩白

to defend oneself相关例句

I was beginning to realize that it was possible to teach someone how to defend oneself quickly, efficiently, and realistically.


So do I still have reason to defend for oneself!


The best way to avoid becoming a victim of violence is to acquirre the ability to defend oneself .


Failing to defend oneself effectively doesn't mean one deserves to be assaulted, but it does mean that one is more likely to suffer assault.


Children need to know how to defend oneself, how to establish relationships in a group.


She demonstrated how best to defend oneself.
