to globalize的意思|示意

美 / / 英 / /


to globalize的网络常见释义

跨国化 ... 跨国化 to internationalize; to globalize 跨国化 to globalize; to internationalize 磷化氢 phosphine ...

to globalize相关短语

1、 In Order To Globalize 为全球化

to globalize相关例句

With those studies in hand, we would be well placed to scale up and globalize prevention.


Finally, we want to call Globalize.culture with the users' preferred language, so that the Globalize plugin knows how to format everything.

最后,我们要用用户偏好的语言调用Globalize . culture,以便Globalize插件知晓该如何进行格式化。

Mergers and acquisitions are increasingly seen by firms as a relatively fast and efficient way to expand into new markets, to acquire new competences, to create economies of scale and to globalize.


In order to increase competitiveness, individual nations will further deregulate and globalize the flow of manpower, resources, and information.


Every team, company and project will have different reasons to want to globalize their production model. Some of the reasons to consider globalizing your production pipeline include.


We introduce how to globalize Lotus Notes applications and the best practice for each phase of the process in the sections that follow.

接下来的小节介绍如何全球化Lotus Notes应用程序,以及全球化过程中每个阶段的最佳实践。