to highlight by contrast的意思|示意

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to highlight by contrast的网络常见释义

烘衬 ... to enhance by contrast 陪衬; 陪衬 to highlight by contrast 烘衬; 烘衬 to set off by contrast 映衬; 烘; 映衬 ...

to highlight by contrast相关例句

"The building is characterised by limited dimensions and height, almost to highlight by contrast the grandeur of the surrounding trees, " said the architects, who have an office in Sassari.


Makers of computer and telecoms gear, by contrast, have chosen to highlight the volume of emissions their machines produce, because they already have newer, greener products to sell today.


Bump exposure: Method of increasing highlight contrast when producing a half-tone by removing the screen briefly to remove any dots in the highlight area.


Look for light contrast to highlight actual and phantom shapes. Sometimes objects outside of the scene make their presence known by their shadow or inverse shadow.
