to kick off的意思|示意
to kick off的网络常见释义
开球 ... to make one's exit (本义)退场 to kick off (本义)开球 to be free (本义)解脱了 ...
开始比赛 ... 开始,开端 threshold 开始比赛 to start a match; to kick off 开始标记 start tag ...
to kick off相关短语
1、 early to kick off 早揭开序幕
2、 Kick off To begin 开始
3、 kick off to summer 开启盛夏
to kick off相关例句
As I progressed, I began to kick off the start and turns in freestyle, too.
The rather alarming increase has forced us to kick off a high-level prevention plan.
It might be a good idea to kick off with a few folk songs.
IBM later donated its code to Apache to kick off what is now the Apache SOAP Project.
后来ibm把它的代码给了Apache,启动了现在的Apache SOAP项目计划。
Modify the example as necessary, then use it with an lpar_netboot command to kick off an automated installation of the operating system.
根据需要修改这个示例,然后将它和 lpar_netboot 命令一起使用,以开始操作系统的自动化安装。
Others may find contradictions with their own experience, which is a great way to kick off a conversation.