to open a tab的意思|示意

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to open a tab的网络常见释义

开单 借单儿 IOU; receipt for a loan; written confirmation of a debt 开单 to open a tab; to bill 扩展表单登记 extended form registration ..

to open a tab相关短语

1、 to billto open a tab 开单

to open a tab相关例句

It makes every TAB you open a different color, so they're easier to tell apart at a glance-and a major part of a more vibrant, attractive Firefox window.


To look for an online user from the Notes client and to initiate a chat from the Library, open a document that you want to discuss, and then select the Who is online TAB.

如果要从Notes客户机寻找一个在线用户,并从Library发起聊天,可以打开需要讨论的文档,然后选择Who is Online选项卡。

Ever wanted to know what a word in something you were reading meant or more information about it but didn't want to have to open up a new TAB to search through the dictionary or encyclopedia?


Open a browser window, either as a new TAB or as a newly opened window, to load the content of that URL.


The one weakness, hopefully fixed in an update soon, is that the extension doesn't open links in a new tab by default, so remember to Ctrl-click anything you need to read in its own space.


A flag to indicate whether the user wants to open the content of the library in a new TAB or in a newly opened window.
