to read a book的意思|示意

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to read a book的网络常见释义

读书 ... to read a book 读书 person like 像的人 like author, like book 书如其人; 文如其人 ...

看书 ... 做家务 do housework 看书 to read a book 做功课 to do homework ...

to read a book相关短语

1、 How to Read a Book 如何阅读 ; 如何读一本书

2、 to read a book aloud 念书

3、 Begin To Read A Book 开卷

to read a book相关例句

She loved going to the cinema, aimed to read a book a day, hated to waste time sleeping and could make a meal of a packet of bacon.


To read a book cost me a month.


Or, if you cannot do that, you could promise yourself that you are going to read a book, or watch a movie, in the original version.


When you begin to read a book, do not think about another.


He portrays a bibliophobic generation of teens, incapable of sustaining concentration long enough to read a book. And learning a poem by heart just strikes them as dumb.


After finishing the letter, he went on to read a book.
