to terrify的意思|示意
to terrify的网络常见释义
震惶 ... 震骇 to astonish; to horrify 震惶 to terrify 震昏 to knock out (of a jolt from an earthquake or crash) ...
破胆 ... 明确显示目标 explicit targeting 破胆 to terrify; to frighten seriously 破胆寒心 ; to scare sb badly ...
吓傻 ... 吓傻 to terrify; to scare sb 吓傻 to terrify; to scare sb 凶犯 murderer ...
惊吓 ... 惊喜若狂 ; to express boundless pleasure 惊吓 to terrify; to frighten; to horrify 惊心 stunning ...
to terrify相关短语
1、 A song to terrify 多么嘹亮
to terrify相关例句
Still, the legislature's prompt response to a crisis that had begun to envelop the country (and to terrify euro-zone leaders) appears to have won Italy some breathing space.
The frequency of these food scares is enough to terrify anyone. Every time I eat something these days I catch myself wondering whether it's safe or not.
We all have a different threshold for interfering and you don't want to terrify people, but this is the one thing I'd urge a total stranger to see a doctor about.
全科医师玛丽·麦克科林斯( Mary McCullins)说,“对于干扰,我们都有不同的极限,你不希望吓着别人,不过,遇到这件事,我一定会督促一位完全陌生的人去看医生。”
Their movements through the region were calculated to terrify landowners into abandoning their holdings.
But the goal to ask this question is not to terrify yourself, but to know yourself, right?
She notes that some mastaba (early non-pyramid tomb) walls in Giza and Saqqara were actually inscribed with "curses" meant to terrify those who would desecrate or rob the royal resting place.