to valuate的意思|示意
to valuate的网络常见释义
计价 ... property valuation 财产估价 to valuate 计价; 计价 valuation allowance 计价备抵科目; 计价备抵科目 ...
to valuate相关例句
This article explores the influence of property right on human capital valuation, and forecasts how to valuate human capital in the future.
The human capital approach (HCA) was applied to valuate the loses of groundwater source pollution by nitrate in the typical high-yielding farming region North China.
It is necessary to widespread and adopting valuate mode of engineering list in consonance with international engineering.
Objective: to optimize the contrast injection protocol for MR pulmonary perfusion imaging (PPI) and toe-valuate its value in the diagnosis of experimental acute pulmonary embolism in pigs.
After the execution of the listing valuate of the amount of works, there are still many work to do.
A theory is proposed that safety reference environment can be got by modifying standard reference environment. The exergy is used to valuate the environmental impact of different pollutants.