to well out的意思|示意

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to well out的网络常见释义

喷薄 喷薄 to gush; to squirt; to surge; to well out; to overflow 喷薄 to gush; to squirt; to surge; to well out; to overflow 喷薄欲出 to emerge in blazing glory (idiom) ..

to well out相关短语

1、 Well put out to sea 好下海

to well out相关例句

Negative images remain of who is living in poverty as well as what is needed to move out of it.


One day, I talked to a neighbour and found out that my mum was well known in the area.


A majority of Americans feel libraries are doing a good job of providing a safe place for people to hang out or spend time as well as opening up educational opportunities for people of all ages.


But I ran plenty of searches on this, and everything seems to work out pretty well.


I am now out of the hospital and well on the way to recovery.


It worked out well, by making my first move, but there was a lot of groundwork to be put down beforehand that helped me make that move a little bit easier.
