type grade的意思|示意
type grade相关短语
1、 Steel Grade And Type 钢号及钢种
2、 type or grade 类型或级别,型号和等级
3、 type and grade 分型分级
4、 High Grade Type 系列
5、 carrageenan type I commercial grade 角叉菜胶,角叉胶
6、 type of grade separation 立交型式
7、 high-grade gentle type 高级和式
8、 porphyry-type low-grade copper-molybdenum ore 斑岩型低品位铜钼矿
type grade相关例句
The first record contains the number, n, of distinct type of assignments that contribute to the final grade; for example, quizzes, tests, exams, and so on.
The reliability of main bearing and connecting rod large end bearing for 12V240ZJ diesel engine whose power has been increased up to the E type grade was analyzed.
By creating a new enumeration (grade) of the previously defined type, you can then use it like any other member variable.