ultimate balance的意思|示意

美 / / 英 / ˈʌltɪmət ˈbæləns /


ultimate balance相关短语

1、 rock ultimate balance theory 岩石极限平衡理论

2、 ultimate balance method 极限平衡法

3、 rigid body ultimate balance method 刚体极限平衡法

4、 ultimate balance theory 极限平衡理论理论

5、 Ultimate Equivalent Load Balance 极限等效荷载平衡

ultimate balance相关例句

The ultimate balance between jobs created and killed is difficult to pin down, but the net result is far murkier than it might seem.


Suction caisson is an important new style offshore structure foundation. Its ultimate bearing capacity can be calculated approximately on the base of ultimate balance method.


With the results of the multi-ribbed wall tests and finite element analysis, the shear capacity formulas of a oblique section based on ultimate balance theory are given.
