union space的意思|示意

美 / / 英 / /


union space相关短语

1、 Fab-Union Space 西岸艺术中心北侧

2、 space union transformation 空间和变换法

union space相关例句

Although the Soviet Union initially led the space race, the first spacecraft to fly by a planet other than Earth was an American one, and the first man on the moon was also an American.


Fortunately, a few years later both America and the Soviet Union became interested in using solar power in space, where its advantages became apparent very quickly.


That is exactly why the U.S. wanted to do it, in order to one-up the Soviet Union, who were perceived as leading the space race at the time.

这正是为什么美国想要这样做的原因——为了领先苏联。 那时人们曾认为苏联处于太空竞争的领先地位。