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上位词自动登录 ... updated and revised edition 最新修订本 up-posting 上位词自动登录 up-to-date information 最新信息 ...

翻译 ... unexpended balance翻译 【经】 未动用剩余经费 up-posting翻译 【计】 上位词自动登录 usage factor翻译 【化】 利用系数; 利用因数 ...


1、 follow up posting 翻译 ; 接续告示

2、 Up-posting Computer 上位计算机

3、 posting up 背篮筐单打 ; 策应


In the late 1990s, the early years of the Wall Street journal's website, one of the paper's journalists came up with the novel idea of Posting online a 573-page document that backed up an article.


Consequently, when I do things that “feed my ego, ” such as posting new articles, writing a book, or giving speeches, I also end up helping people.

因此当我做事情时,总是要表现 自我 ,例如在网络上帖上一篇新文章,书写一本新书,或者作演讲时,我也终归用帮助人来作为结束。

Note: since first Posting this guide, we've since covered saving files, fixing boot-up problems, and purging viruses using an Ubuntu-powered thumb drive in a bit more depth.


"I don't trust websites anymore," said blogger ma Mingdong, who has given up Posting negative articles. "My posts are just tools for these websites to make money."


Eventually it's harder to remember where you've sent a resume or interviewed, and applying to the same place makes you look like an applicant who applies to any Posting that pops up, not the best fit.


The water treatment automatic control system integrated by PLC and computer consists of up-posting machine, adapter and PLC.
