variable spring的意思|示意
variable spring相关短语
1、 Variable Spring Hangers 可变支撑力弹簧管架,可变弹簧支吊架
2、 Variable spring supports 变力弹簧支吊架
3、 variable spring hanger 可变弹簧吊架
4、 variable spring support and hanger 变力弹簧支吊架
5、 trapeze hanger variable spring 横担型可变弹簧
6、 variable rate spring 可变刚性系数弹簧,变刚度弹簧
7、 variable stiffness spring 变刚度弹簧
8、 variable pitch cylindrical helical spring 不等节距圆柱螺旋弹簧
9、 Variable rate semi-elliptic spring 变刚度弓形板弹簧,变钢度弓形板弹簧
variable spring相关例句
Spring comes with a variable resolver implementation class that lets you reference Spring managed beans in JSF expressions.
Spring 附带了一个变量解析器实现类,允许您在 JSF 表达式中引用 Spring 托管 Bean。
You first need to ensure that you have the Spring-JSF integration configured, which is handled by a custom variable resolver included with the Spring framework (see Resources).
首先需要确保已经配置了 Spring-JSF 集成,它由 Spring 框架附带的一个定制变量解析器进行处理(见 参考资料)。
To achieve true integration with Spring, you need a better solution than a custom variable resolver.