
美 / ˌventrəʊˈlætərəl / 英 / ˌventroʊˈlætərəl /

adj. 腹外侧的


1、 Rostral ventrolateral medulla 延髓头端腹外侧区,头端延髓腹外侧区,延髓头端腹外侧,延髓腹外侧头端区

2、 ventrolateral orbital cortex 腹外侧眶皮层

3、 ventrolateral edge 腹缘

4、 ventrolateral nucleus of thalamus 丘脑腹外侧核

5、 ventrolateral prefrontal cortex 腹外侧前额叶皮层,前额叶腹外侧皮层

6、 ventrolateral medulla 腹外侧延髓

7、 Ventrolateral nucleus 腹外侧核,丘脑的腹外侧核

8、 ventrolateral preoptic 腹外侧视前区

9、 ventrolateral PFC 前额叶腹外侧


What lights up instead is the right ventrolateral(7) prefrontal(8) cortex(9), part of the brain that controls impulses.


Objective to study the effects of serotonin (5 HT) in ventrolateral preoptic nucleus (VLPO) on sleep and waking cycle.

目的观察5羟色胺(5 HT)在大鼠腹外侧视前核(V LPO)对睡眠觉醒周期的影响。

SP positive cell bodies in the reticular formation close ventrolateral to nucleus ambiguus were also found.
