vibration meter的意思|示意
[力] 测振计;[力] 振动计
vibration meter相关短语
1、 digital vibration meter 数字震动计,数字振动计
2、 electric vibration meter 电气测振计
3、 vibration frequency meter 振动频率计
4、 vibration measurer vibration meter 测振仪
5、 twist vibration meter 扭振仪
6、 digiting vibration meter 数字振动计
7、 Portable Vibration Meter 便携式测振仪
8、 torsional vibration meter 扭振仪
vibration meter相关例句
By use of pocket DD vibration meter, both filed balancing of shafting of new unit and field balancing of unit with vibration troubles after operation for some time can be conducted.
The dynamic vibration information is gained from acceleration meter, and then by FFT analysis, the frequency information of vibration is used as the training specimen of neural network.
Based on the introduction of the vibration meter developed by ourselves, this paper carries out analysis and calculation on the principles and circuits.