visual concept的意思|示意

美 / / 英 / /


visual concept相关短语

1、 Visual Concept Design 视觉概念设计

2、 Visual Concept Clustering 视觉概念聚类

3、 Visual Concept Studio 工作单位

4、 3D visual concept 三维视觉概念

5、 Visual Merchandising & Concept Store 视觉商品推销与概念店

visual concept相关例句

The two types of visual concept can be traced back to Plato who created two types of visual: "Spiritual eye" and the naked eye.


The manifestation for any drawing should be carried out on the base of a complete tridimensional visual concept.


Visual concept embodies the beauty of artistic conception, produces colorful beauty, impacts the feeling of essayist and arouses the association of beauty and rational thinking.
