voice of america的意思|示意
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VOA美语双行线情景会话篇 ...美语集最真实最生活化的美国生活场景精心设计的咖啡伴侣,助你扩充语言背景知识 《VOA美语双行线情景会话篇》(Voice of America)[光盘镜像] eD2k链接...
voice of america相关短语
1、 The voice of america 美国好声音 ; 外国版好声音 ; 唱片名
2、 voa voice of america 美国之音
3、 startfragment - voice of america 美国之音标准英语在线直播
voice of america相关例句
Then I saw the show the Voice of America.
Greenwich Mean Time and here is the news from the Voice of America. I'm Bill Hansen in Washington.
Words that many Chinese, even Asian, music fans would heartily agree with, as the number of America influenced songs rises steadily drowning out the unique voice of Asia.
This I say to you tonight is the real voice of America. In this year 1968, this is the message it will broadcast to America and to the world.
BP's chief executive, Tony Hayward, has been the face (and voice) of a company America has come to hate.
Bank of America, for instance, used the data it collected from location and voice monitors to increase the time its call center employees spent talking to one another.