voice unit的意思|示意
voice unit相关短语
1、 secure voice unit 话密装置
2、 satellite voice unit 卫星话音单元
3、 crypto voice unit 秘密话音组件
4、 Voice Unit Event Cause codes 语音单元事件码
5、 voice unit detail 声音单元
6、 CVU Crypto Voice Unit 秘密话音组件
7、 voice synthesis unit 语言合成器
8、 SVU Satellite Voice Unit 卫星话音单元
9、 Voice Response Unit 声音回应单元,话音应答单元,语音应答单元,语音应答系统
voice unit相关例句
The service unit provides multiple channels for data, voice, etc.
They still haven't found the second unit with voice recordings.
In this situation, a voice response unit can reduce the cost of customer service by providing information and simpler or more common transactions.