volcanic group的意思|示意

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volcanic group相关短语

1、 submarine volcanic group 海底火山群

2、 neo-volcanic group 古火山群

3、 Bikou volcanic group 碧口火山岩系

4、 huge ring volcanic group 巨型环状体

5、 Shipingding group volcanic rock 沉鱼湖

6、 Bikou Group volcanic rock 碧口群火山岩

7、 Linzizong Group volcanic rocks 林子宗群火山岩

8、 Xiong er Group volcanic rocks 熊耳群火山岩

volcanic group相关例句

In this paper, the Longwan volcanic group which locates in the southwest part of Jingyu County, Jilin Province is taken as an example for extracting volcanic landforms information.


The study, which took a year and a half, included islands such as Lord Howe island east of Australia and Tristan da Cunha, a group of remote volcanic islands in the south Atlantic Ocean, among others.

这个持续了一年半的研究,包括诸如澳大利亚东部的Lord Howe岛和在大西洋南部的火山岛Tristan da Cunha岛等等。

Produced by the Volcanic Hazards Working Group of the Civil Defence Scientific Advisory Committee.
