vote of confidence的意思|示意

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vote of confidence的网络常见释义

信任票 还可以缩短人际间的距离但此举无疑表白俱乐部对贝尼(Beni)特斯曾经投了不信任票(Vote of confidence),必然弄得利物浦高低胆战心惊,可日子(Day)还得接续过啊,总不行剩下(The remaining)的半个赛季就准备缴械遵从吧..

信任投票 但是,这些听起来都像是一次信任投票(Vote of confidence)。凯尼恩,现在这么说不嫌有些太早了么?

vote of confidence相关短语

1、 vote of non-confidence 不信任票 ; 不信赖投票 ; 不相信投票

2、 vote of no confidence 不信任投票 ; 不信任动议 ; 翻译

3、 vote of no-confidence 不信任投票

vote of confidence相关例句

In Veritocracy's system, this is a vote of confidence, both in the quality of the story and the quality of the source.


Berlusconi decided to seek a vote of confidence after losing a crucial division on the public accounts earlier this week.


If Mr Aquino would take this as a vote of confidence in his nascent stand, he could do lasting good.


Papandreou was reported to have later indicated he could step down even if he won today's knife-edge vote of confidence in parliament.


A first hurdle was a vote of confidence to endorse Mr Papandreou's proposed plebiscite.


A vote of confidence will be held on December 14th; Mr Berlusconi has said that Italy will face fresh elections if he loses.
