vulgar style的意思|示意
vulgar style相关短语
1、 a vulgar style 庸俗的作风
2、 vulgar art style 媚俗艺术风格
3、 vulgar minimalism style 极少主义风格
4、 vulgar and amorous style 俗艳
5、 elegant vulgar compromise literary style 雅俗折中
vulgar style相关例句
Having deliberately artificial vulgar banal or affectedly humorous qualities or style.
This ugly, vulgar, hard, hermetic, hardly eye-catching, hardly football style, yes it served the Dutch to unsettle Spain.
这丑陋、粗俗、难受、不可理喻、黯淡的风格不是足球所需要的。 是的,荷兰队用它给西班牙制造了麻烦。
The phenomenon of vulgar style and flubdub existing in the TV entertainment programs is reconsidered in this paper, with the key to this phenomenon being analysed.
电视娱乐热与观众需求摘 要:本文通过一系列的“电视娱乐节目出现的格调庸俗且哗众取宠”的反思。