water constant的意思|示意
water constant相关短语
1、 soil water constant 土壤水分常数
2、 Constant Temperature Water Baths 深槽形恒温水槽,液压式恒温水槽,恒温油浴,浅槽形恒温水槽
3、 ion-product constant of water 水的离子积
4、 makeup water constant press 补水定压
5、 water constant-pressure equipment 定压补水装置
6、 constant pressure water supply 恒压供水
7、 Low Constant Temperature Water Baths 低温恒温水槽
8、 water supply of constant pressure 恒压供水,单片机
9、 constant water level 恒水位,定水位
water constant相关例句
The assumption of constant relative humidity is important, because water vapor in the atmosphere is another efficient absorber of radiation at infrared wavelength.
AbuBakr Bahaj, in charge of the Southampton research, said: The prospects for energy from tidal currents are far better than from wind because the flows of water are predictable and constant.
负责南安普顿研究的 AbuBakr Bahaj 说:潮汐流的能源前景比风能要好得多,因为水流是可预测和恒定的。
The stones have been worn smooth by the constant flow of water.