water interception的意思|示意
water interception相关短语
1、 Grouting water-interception 封底注浆
2、 water interception cover 隔水盖
3、 valve water interception 阀门断流
4、 siphon water interception 虹吸断流
5、 water interception system 截水系统
6、 water-interception curtain 截水帷幕
7、 soil and water interception 蓄水拦沙
8、 tail water interception and storage 拦蓄尾洪
9、 interception of water 截水
water interception相关例句
Canopy interception is an important component in forest water balance.
Micro flocculation interception sedimentation is one of the new water treatment processes.
The results showed that the variation of forest soil water was caused mainly by variations of forest soil conditions and uneven interception of rainfall by tree crowns that, varies with seasons.