wave pressure的意思|示意
wave pressure相关短语
1、 Computation of Pressure Extraction Wave 排压力波计算
2、 shock wave pressure 冲击波压力
3、 uplift wave pressure 上台波压力
4、 dynamic wave pressure 动波压力
5、 wave pressure diagram 波压图
6、 standing wave pressure 立波压力
7、 wave pressure capacity 波浪载荷
8、 wave pressure equation 波压公式
9、 Wave Pressure Steepness 波压陡
wave pressure相关例句
When wave propagate over the ocean surface, a sequence of wave pressure is induced on the seafloor.
The magnitude and the direction of wave pressure on submarine pipeline in silty bed are measured in physical model experiment.
Elementary analysis shows that the hydrostatic fuse can counteract the disturbance of ocean wave pressure by two pressure sensors.