wealth of tax的意思|示意
wealth of tax的网络常见释义
财产税 ... wealth of society社会财富 wealth of tax财产税 Weighted加权的 ...
wealth of tax相关短语
1、 wealth h of tax 财产税
wealth of tax相关例句
The unemployed insurance premium of unit pay presses the formulary row of wealth tax section to raise.
In Greece, Italy and, to a lesser extent, France, unsustainable tax cuts and spending sprees added to households' estimates of their private wealth relative to their wage income.
The French actor Gerard Depardieu who's accepted a Russian passport in protest at a proposed wealth tax in France has visited the harsh central Russian region of Mordovia.
On moral grounds, then, we could argue for a flat income tax of 90 percent to return that wealth to its real owners.
Like Obama, McCain kept his focus on the economy and continued his attack on Obama's tax plan, which he said would amount to a redistribution of wealth from rich to poor.
Consequently, prosecutors must prove that the defendant was bad and accumulated great wealth or obtained special benefits not available to the general public as a result of the tax fraud.