weather briefing的意思|示意

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[气象] 气象简语

weather briefing相关短语

1、 flight-weather briefing 飞航天气简报

2、 weather briefing information 天气简报

weather briefing相关例句

FAA-sponsored program. Allows US pilots to retrieve weather briefing, flight planning and filing through their personal computers without calling a flight Safety briefer.


The pilots get the last information about the weather, specify the runway to take off from and carry out a short briefing on the coming flight.


The 'weather is not looking good for launch,' shuttle weather officer Kathy Winters said at a news briefing Thursday morning.

负责天气状况的温特斯(Kathy Winters)周四上午在媒体吹风会上说,天气看起来不利于发射。