weather ship的意思|示意
n. 海洋天气船;气象观测船
weather ship相关短语
1、 ocean weather ship 海洋测候船,海洋气象船,海洋天气船
2、 fair weather ship 经受不住大风浪的船
3、 weather ship beacon 气象船信标
4、 weather patrol ship 气象侦察船,天气巡罗船
5、 weather observation ship 气象观测船
6、 Ship Weather Routing 气象定线
7、 ship-borne weather instrument 船用气象仪
8、 ship weather report 船舶气象报告
9、 special weather report from ship 船舶特殊天气报告
weather ship相关例句
Last time, he sent me to a weather ship in the Antactic! This is my first ship for two years! 'and.
At one point, when weather finally cleared, an errant cargo ship strayed into the danger zone on the Eastern Range, a patch of restricted waters on the Atlantic Ocean over which rocket launches fly.
Salvage contractors, aided by unusually good marine weather, were able to tow the listing ship into Unalaska Island's port of Dutch Harbor.
实施海上救助的承包人得益于海上难得一见的好天气,才将这艘倾斜的船只拖拽到阿拉斯加岛的荷兰港(Dutch Harbor)的港口。