weight carrier的意思|示意
weight carrier相关短语
1、 piston with weight carrier 带有底盘装置的活塞
2、 Open hatch weight carrier 敞舱口散货船
3、 weight carrier shaft 配重块装卸机轴
4、 weight carrier drive 法码载具传动装置
5、 weight carrier table 法码载具
6、 weight ascertained by carrier 承运人确定重量
weight carrier相关例句
The method comprises the following steps of: (1) carrying out ultrasonic washing and drying treatment to an adsorbing material carrier until a constant-weight carrier is formed;
本发明的方法包括以下步骤:(1)对吸附材料载体进行 超声洗涤和干燥处理,直到处理成恒重载体;
The implementation method of the receiver carrier recovery loop of microsatellite affects the volume, weight and function reconfigurability of the transponder.
The weight, measure, marks, numbers, quality, contents and value, being particulars furnished by the Shipper, are not checked by the Carrier on loading.