weight matrix的意思|示意
weight matrix相关短语
1、 inverse of weight matrix 权逆阵
2、 spatial weight matrix 空间权重矩阵,空间加权矩阵
3、 position weight matrix 位置权重矩阵,权重矩阵,位点加权矩阵,位置权值矩阵
4、 Protein Weight Matrix 矩阵
5、 Position-correlation weight matrix 位置关联权重矩阵
6、 inverse weight matrix 权逆阵
7、 Inverse e of weight matrix 权逆阵
weight matrix相关例句
It is the key technology for design of the constant beamwidth array to calculate the weight matrix.
The weight matrix is replaced by using weight coefficient, and avoids calculating inverse matrix of the error variance matrix.
Then, for tradition matrix clustering algorithm carries on the optimization, improved as weight matrix cluster algorithm.