wet packing的意思|示意
[医] 湿裹法
wet packing相关短语
1、 wet packing method 湿式填装法,湿装柱法,匀浆填充法
2、 wet-packing method 湿式充填法
3、 Local Chinese medicine wet packing 中药局部湿敷
4、 Atropine wet packing 阿托品湿敷
5、 With Outer Packing Wet 外包装受水湿
6、 wet-packing medicine 湿敷药
7、 wet packing density 湿堆积密度
8、 wet packing therapy 湿敷疗法
9、 Rigitine wet packing 酚妥拉明湿敷
wet packing相关例句
Objective To compare analgesic effects of lidocaine wet packing and distilled water wet packing during dressing change of nail extraction wound.
To study the effect of wet packing with gentamicin to heal the wound infection of the community elderly.
Conclusion: Local wet packing with 654-2 gauze soaked with alcohol (concentration 75%) can prevent and reduce the occurrence of phlebitis.
结论:75%洒精加654 - 2纱布湿敷局部可以预防和减少静脉炎的发生,延长套管针的留置时间。