white plaque的意思|示意
white plaque相关短语
1、 standard white plaque 标准白瓷板
2、 blue-white plaque 蓝白斑
3、 blue white plaque assay 蓝白斑
4、 blue-white plaque selection 蓝白斑筛选
5、 white plaque covering oral mucous 口腔黏膜白膜
6、 white e plaque 结核病
7、 white-blue plaque selection 蓝白斑筛选
white plaque相关例句
In front of me was a white plaque affixed to a pole that stood on the sidewalk, with an image of van Gogh's painting, all shades of golden hay, fresh butter and sunlight, under a stippled blue sky.
But unfortunately, the scar tissue traps plaque and white blood cells which can form into blockages, blood clots, and hardened, weakened arteries.
Plaque consists of a mix of cholesterol, white blood cells and smooth muscle cells, and as it accumulates, a network of capillaries sprouts from the artery walls to nourish the cells.