wide strip的意思|示意

美 / / 英 / waɪd strɪp /


wide strip相关短语

1、 wide strip mill 宽带轧机

2、 wide-strip mill 宽带材轧机,宽带轧机

3、 cold wide strip mill 宽带材冷轧机

4、 semicontinuous wide strip mill 半连续式宽带钢轧机

5、 Hot-rolled wide strip 热轧宽钢带

6、 wide strip skip-mining 宽条带跳采

7、 hot rolled medium-wide strip 热轧中宽带

wide strip相关例句

Very close indeed: the actual area of the Golan Heights that remained disputed was a 150-metre-wide strip.


Steel plate is flat, rectangular, can be rolled directly or by a wide strip of steel.


The resulting images take the form of a wide strip.
