wood product的意思|示意
wood product相关短语
1、 Wood product manager 木制品部经理,木制品部门经理
2、 Engineered Wood Product 工程木产品
3、 Laminated wood product 采购工程师
4、 Karly Wood Product Limited 中山市嘉利木地板有限公司
5、 bent wood product 相关标签
6、 harvested wood product 木质林产品
7、 Wood Product Engineering 木材产品工程
8、 wood product industry 木材产品工业,木制品业
wood product相关例句
The wood product gives first place to integrated material ( put board together ).
木制品以集成材 ( 拼板 ) 为主.
It too offered a bearish analysis of wood and wood product prices.