written code的意思|示意

美 / ˈrɪtn kəud / 英 / ˈrɪtn kod /


written code相关短语

1、 written code-switching 书面语码转换

2、 Wrong Written District Code 写错代码

3、 Poorly-written server side code 服务端代码写的太烂

4、 code of written law 成文法典,翻译

5、 Associated module code written 关联的模块代码编写,有关编写的代码模块,编写的代码关联的模块

6、 been written by code 解码

7、 a code of written law 成文法典

8、 the code of written law 法典化

9、 code of written law detail 成文法典

written code相关例句

Once written, code for an interface never changes; therefore, client code is less likely to break.

一旦写入, 编写interface的代码就不会再变化, 所以, 客户端的代码就不容易崩溃.


PLAYBOY : Is it a written code?

PLAYBOY: 这是成文的信条 吗 ?
