yes we can的意思|示意

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yes we can的网络常见释义

是的 发起今次签名运动的人还提出一句口号:「Oui on peut,翻译成英文是「Yes We Can(是的,我们可以)。似曾相识?

我们能 “是的,我们能”(Yes We Can)这个口号在初选中大获成功。在奥巴马的竞选现场,有不少年轻人像参加摇滚音乐会那样聚在舞台前,忘情地跟着他喊“是的,我们能”...

我们可以 奥巴马将他8年前的竞选的口号“我们可以”(Yes We Can),改成“我们做到了”(Yes We Did),结束演讲。

我们做得到 奥巴马的肖像、姓名拼写甚至竞选口号“变革”(change)和“我们做得到”(Yes We Can)也被商家们开发利用,..

yes we can相关例句

A Yes, we can arrange that. Is it for you?


This was a yes-we-can moment: the opportunity to become enthusiastic.


The best answer to all these questions was given last week by Senators Kerry and Graham: "Yes, we can."


Silva repeatedly said, "Yes we can," which was Obama's campaign catchphrase and apparently what the Brazilian president had in mind while his team trailed.


"Obama's is especially so. His speeches are so moving, and he also USES words such as' yes, we can, ' 'change' and 'hope' that even Japanese people can memorize," he said.

奥巴马的演讲尤其如此,他的讲话感人至深,同时他使用诸如‘是的,我们能(Yes, we can)’,‘改变(Change)’,‘希望(Hope)’这样的词句,这些简单的话语日本人也可以记住。

What I would say is, 'Yes, we can,' but it is not going to happen overnight.
