you are so busy的意思|示意

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you are so busy的网络常见释义

你这么忙 ... Premium quality » 优质 you are so busy » 你这么忙 I hope that with my own show for the money to help you » 希望我自己的钱来帮助你的表演 ...

你很忙 you are so busy » 你很忙 Enjoy life, happy life. Continue to struggle, settle down happily.

你都有事要忙 ... 还没有回家? » No home? 你都有事要忙 » You are so busy 绝不放过你 » Never let you ...

you are so busy相关短语

1、 What are you so busy 你忙什么呢啊

2、 Are you really so busy 你真忙

you are so busy相关例句

I don't know you are so busy.


I learn from you that you have a successful undertaking with a good income. So you are too busy to manage your assets.


I'm really moved that you remembered my birthday even though you are so busy.


Even if you are so busy that you have to cut your workout time in half, continuing to work out keeps you in the exercise habit.


Laura, it seems that you are up to your neck in work, how come you've been so busy?


Doll gifts usually from guys who are busy with his activity or organization, so if you miss him just hold and kiss the doll.
