zone approach的意思|示意

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zone approach的网络常见释义

域方式 以前该仓储中心用区域方式(zone approach)来捡货,除非上一手完成工作,下一手不能接手。以书为例,一个人专门负责装商业书,另一个人专门负责装儿童书。

zone approach相关短语

1、 Approach Control Zone 进场管制地带 ; 进场控制区

2、 approach zone 进场区

3、 approach zone obstruction 进近区障碍物

zone approach相关例句

The HALS system provided the UH-60 pilots with continuous 3d real-time radar imagery of the landing zone throughout the approach, hover, and landing in complete brownout.

在灯火管制情况下,在整个接近、盘旋和着陆过程中,HALS系统可以向UH - 60飞行员提供着陆区的连续三维实时雷达图像。

You move faster to your goals You can take the step-by-step approach of doing something or you can take the “stretch your comfort zone” route.

你向目标前进得更快了 你可以选择按部就班地做一件事或者通过跳出圈子这种途径。

The results show that, compared with the traditional control work zone division approach, applying the suggested approach leads to the enhancement of the road traffic flow efficiency.


This paper is to discuss approach of maximizing social-benefit from resources use in mine-grain mixed zone.


Tarding in the Zone presents a serious psychological approach to becoming a consistent winner in your trading. I do not offer a trading system; I am more a profitable trader.


I wanted to step outside my comfort zone when I was eating lunch at some cafe so I decided to approach 2 women that were having a conversation.
