
美 / / 英 / /

abbr.允许使用者将资料记录于一片空白的高密度碟片上(Compact Disk - Recordable)n.可记录光盘驱动器


光盘刻录机 ... CHIP芯片 CD-R光盘刻录机 P-P(PLUG AND PLAY)即插即用 ...

多媒体互动 ...用过多的现金用于偿债,当然是希望老板能理解到我的用心, 通过文字(教材)、音波(MP3)卡通动画(DVD)、多媒体互动(CD-R), 什么是A记录?。

可录式光盘 交互式光盘(cd-i) 可录式光盘(cd-r) 为可录式光盘(compact disc – recordable)的缩写。是一项cd-r 媒体(可录式)的技术。


1、 CD-R Home 刻录家园

2、 CD-R drivesCD-R 光碟机

3、 CD-R Drive 烧录机


A drive must be "multiread" to be able to read CD-R and CD-RW disks.

驱动器必须是“多格式读取的(multiread)”,以便能够读取CD - r和CD - rw盘。

In this paper, the basic overview of CD-R dye is provided, including the mechanics of recording, the kind of CD-R dye and its spin-coating and edge wash.

本文简要介绍了CD - R染料的基本概况,主要包括CD - R染料的记录机理,CD - R染料的基本类型和其配制和涂布、洗边等主要工艺等。

The clone is saved on an external drive, CD-R as well as a part of your internal disk.


To protect against accidental data loss, you should backup your data frequently on more than one type of storage media such as CD-R, DVD-R.

为防止资料因意外而遗失,应经常把资料在多种储存媒体(如 CD或DVD)上作备份。

There is only one chance with a CD-R: formatting it first would create a disk with an empty filesystem.

CD - R只有一次机会:首先格式化将会创建一个带有空文件系统的盘。

The manufacturer pays a royalty to a studio consortium under the assumption that everything recorded to an audio CD-R is pirated material.
