Toys R Us的意思|示意
Toys R Us的网络常见释义
玩具反斗城 玩具反斗城(Toys R Us)就是一个绝好的例子。它建立了最好的运营活动系统,因此赢得了竞争。
玩具反斗城公司 如果事先没有分析根本原因,要扭转公司不断恶化的竞争态势是很困难的,这从玩具反斗城公司 (Toys R Us)的例子就可以看出.1998年,罗伯特?纳卡索恩(Robert Nakasone)被匆匆推上CEO的位置,取代当时的CEO迈克尔?
反斗城 美国最大玩具连锁品牌反斗城(Toys R Us),在去年 9 月申请了破产保护,并宣布要关闭五分之一的门店。
美国着名玩具零售商 ... toyota motor corporation 丰田 toys r us 美国着名玩具零售商 tracking and monitoring 跟踪与监控 ...
Toys R Us相关短语
1、 Toys R Us Inc 玩具反斗城公司 ; 玩具反斗城
2、 Toys R Us stores 玩具反斗城
3、 Toys R Us Kid 玩具反斗城
Toys R Us相关例句
In a two-year court battle, Toys "r" us argued that Amazon had violated the exclusivity agreement and that the rising competition had hurt its online sales.
Toys "r" Us Column advertisement.
Halloween night should come, Lei Shing Famous Square on the third floor of the toys "r" us, all kinds of preparations for the Halloween Funny hot toys are already ahead of schedule.
Besides, Shanghai Violet Shine Enterprise Co. , Ltd is the supplier of many global well-known supermarket for seasonal product, such as Metro, Carrefour, Toys R Us, CR Vanguard, Holy and so on.
Amazon tried to justify its actions by contending that the other merchants were addressing customer needs that Toys "r" us couldn't or wouldn't satisfy.
Most stores are responding by getting more involved in the online game: Toys “R” Us says it will have most of its 9 p.m. Thanksgiving night deals available online at as well.
因此好多商家增加了网购的项目:Toys “R” Us 的多数店9点开业,感恩节晚上网购店地址,。