Image File Name的意思|示意

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Image File Name的网络常见释义

拼接图像文件 --拼接图像文件(Image File Name)--图像拼接区域(Image Area Option)-Compute Active Area(edge)--Add(图像被加载到Mosaic视窗中)--同样的过程加载--Close(关闭Ad...

名称 ...定允许你的孩子访问的站点,分别输入这些站点的站点描述(Description)、站点地址(Site address)、图标文件名称(Image file name)。添加完毕后,点击保存按钮,就会发现这些站点的图标已经出现在地址列表框中。

图像文件名 (5)图像文件名(Image File Name)。 (6)行号(Column Number): 指示外字所在的具体竖行位置。

Image File Name相关短语

1、 system image file name 系统映像文件名

Image File Name相关例句

Specifies the name of the image file.


Note that the ringtone should be in RTX format (a XML file that contains the ringtone name and the definition of the ringtone) while the image should be in JPEG, GIF or PNG format.


The key method in Listing 8 is the image method, which takes a file name for the image, a location, and a width.


When you run the program, be sure to pass the name of a PNG image file on the command line.


After you have the array of the found tags, you create a table in which each row has a single image tag that USES the file name in the source.


In this dialog, you can specify the name and location of the file in which you want to save the captured image.
