Name Image的意思|示意
Name Image的网络常见释义
图象框 2009年4月全国计算机等级二级VisualBaisc上机试练习习题(14) ... 列表框 Name L1 图象框 Name Image1 计时器 Name Timer1 ...
Name Image相关短语
1、 Image Name 图像名 ; 图像的名称 ; 影像名称
2、 brand-name image 品牌形象
3、 brand name image 品牌形象
Name Image相关例句
The values for the image ID, key name, and security group are passed to the manage_instance.php page via HTTP POST.
映像id、密匙名称和安全组的值通过HTTP POST传递到manage _ instance . php页面。
Similarly, for images, we can store the name image with the index of the image to be viewed -- for example, image-20.
类似地,可以存储名称 image 和将被查看图像的 index,如 image-20。
Give it the name Image and in it, create a field called Body and specify the rich text type.
As its name implies, descriptive writing simply describes, or provides an image of a piece of music, art or literature.
Here, initrdmp.gz is the initrd image name.
在这里,initrdmp . gz是初始化内存镜像名称。
Also replaces the Alt tag for the image with the login name, just in case the image does not appear.