Motion Eye的意思|示意
Motion Eye的网络常见释义
摄像头 其他的都没问题了,就差声卡(SIGMATEL STAC9872AK)在XP下的驱动和摄像头(MOTION EYE)在XP,VISTA下的驱动……
运动眼 此外这回索尼的旗舰还搭载了全新的 Motion Eye(运动眼)防抖技术,其实就是五轴防抖的升级版,此外包括索尼微单上使用的预测对焦等技术也都一并搭载。
摄像头驱动 求vgx-fj21b,摄像头驱动(motion eye),谢谢各位大虾!!
Motion Eye相关短语
1、 Eye Motion 眼动作 ; 眼睛动作
2、 eye search motion 目视搜索
Motion Eye相关例句
Beautiful in both motion and at a standstill, the Unreal Engine 3 provides eye-popping graphics for Unreal Tournament 3.
In these eye trick, stationary patterns give rise to the powerful but subjective perception of (illusory) motion.
For video, that needs to happen at least 25 times a second if the eye is to be fooled into seeing continuous motion.
To get a golden eagle's eye view a miniature camera wasstrapped to the bird's back, while a world champion paraglider flew down themountain using a special parachute to get immersive motion shots.
We present a new hand-eye calibration method on the basis of controlling motion of manipulator mounted with a camera.
By using motion selection, the bad effect of small rotations and the degenerate motions such as pure translations will be removed and the accuracy of online hand-eye calibration be improved.