slow eye movement的意思|示意
slow eye movement的网络常见释义
眼球慢速转动 ... 释义:眼球旋动的,眼动的,动眼的,眼球转动的 oculogyral 眼球慢速转动 slow eye movement 眼球快速转动、眼球快速运动 Rapid eye movements ...
缓慢眼动 ... slow child 迟钝儿童 slow eye movement 缓慢眼动 slow learner 学习迟缓者 ...
慢眼球运动 慢眼球运动(slow eye movement)或称扫视运动减慢可能 是OPCA特征性临床标志
眼缓慢运动 ...ion » 涉及增加折旧费用的调整分录(扣除)折旧费用,并增加一个特别帐户(计入)称为累计折旧 slow eye movement » 眼缓慢运动 i enjoy skiing and playing table tennis » 我喜欢滑雪和打乒乓球 ..
slow eye movement相关短语
1、 slow lateral eye movement 出现慢的一侧眼动
slow eye movement相关例句
That something, Dr Tononi believes, is non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) or slow-wave sleep.
Stares at the first eye underneath, the slow idle run to the left side, then transfers to stares place above, to right, returns to stare finally underneath, like this first clockwise movement 9.