concession oil的意思|示意
[经] 特许油
concession oil的用法详解
Concession oil是指政府开发的油田,向石油公司提供特许权,由其开采,并分享收益。
用法一:在英美国家,政府一般将石油开采特许权出租给石油公司或者是石油企业合伙人。石油公司或者石油企业合伙人需要支付租金,支付出租费,以及承担有关开采收益的分享。这就是concession oil。
以上就是concession oil的用法讲解。
concession oil相关短语
1、 oil concession 石油特许权,石油开采权
concession oil相关例句
The restrictions on technology exports to the oil sector left the gas industry conspicuously untouched, an obvious concession to Europe's dependence on Russian gas.
尽管限制了向石油企业出口相关技术, 但制裁却绕开了天然气行业, 很明显是考虑到了欧洲各国对俄罗斯天然气的依赖程度。
Also in 1971, Libya nationalized BP's oil concession in the country, and Algeria nationalized 51 percent of the French company CFP's operations.
同样在1971年,利比亚将BP在该国的石油特许权收归国有,阿尔及利亚将法国公司CFP 51%的业务收归国有。
It was therefore perfectly natural that an oil company, granted a large concession for coastal drilling, should slip him regular suitcases stuffed with cash.