n. 二元化,[数] 对偶化;复线化
Recently, dualization has become a popular term among English-speaking communities and it is often used in many different contexts.
The English word dualization can be defined as a process of making two things similar or of the same type in order to create a logically sound structure. In other words, dualization is a process that helps make certain elements more organized and helps to prevent the confusion of ideas.
In terms of language, dualization is a process that is used to create a grammatically correct sentence. This can involve changing the number of a word from singular to plural, changing the tenses of verbs or changing the gender or class of various components. As an example, a sentence can be changed from “The cat was sleeping” to “The cats were sleeping” using dualization.
Dualization is also used in terms of rhetoric or persuasion. It is typically used to emphasize a point by using the same word or phrase multiple times, but in different forms. For instance, “We need to take action now” could be changed to “We must take immediate action now” using dualization.
In conclusion, dualization is a useful process that helps to create a more organized and persuasive structure when used correctly. With the help of dualization, a sentence or idea can be quickly and easily understood, and it is often used in written and spoken language.
1、 dualization of tripping circuit 双套制跳闸电路
2、 dualization law 对偶律
3、 dualization system 二元化制度
4、 city-countryside dualization 城乡二元化
5、 dualization of identification 鉴定二元化
6、 City and countryside dualization 城乡二元化
7、 dualization of liability criterion 归责原则二元化